
Jumat, 21 Desember 2012


Sebuah nama tanpa arti. Sengaja dibuat tidak berarti, tidak mengarah pada sifat apapun, tidak asumtif. Semua agar para personel nya selalu terpacu untuk terus berkarya, berusaha mencari makna Letto dengan semua proses kreatif yang mereka lakukan. letto.jpgBertemu pertama kali di SMU 7 Jogja, dan mulai berkesenian di berbagai bidang. Seperti teater, musik kontemporer plus gamelan, bikin script film, bikin berbagai macam desain cover kaset dan tetek bengeknya... Dan Alhamdulillah mereka berteman baik dengan kesenian. 

Selepas SMU, karena kuliah dan kesibukan masing-masing, mereka pun sempat berpisah dan frekuensi berkumpul menurun drastis. Tapi di akhir tahun 99 mereka bisa berkumpul lagi. Dari menjadi buruh bangunan untuk GEESE (studio), mereka mengelola dan bisa memakai studio. Sedikit demi sedikit mereka iseng bikin lagu dan direkam... ternyata banyak orang bilang lagunya enak. 

Anak-anak Letto tidak berusaha menjadi siapapun atau apapun dalam berkreasi dan bermusik. Musik bagi mereka bukan satu-satunya tujuan saat itu dan sekarang, karena musik hanya bagian dari seluruh proses kreasi yang mereka niati dan jalani. Motif mereka ini hanyalah bekerja keras membuat lagu dan mengharap Tuhan mau sedikit berlapang menjatuhkan rahmat ekstra nantinya. 

Letto tetap ingin berkreasi menghasilkan karya-karya yang bisa menyenangkan diri sendiri dan Insya Allah juga orang lain. Menganggap bahwa tiap peristiwa yang terjadi dalam hidup adalah belajar. Belajar bertahan hidup, belajar mengambil hikmah, belajar bertahan dalam kondisi apa pun, belajar untuk tetap rendah hati dan belajar untuk yang lain-lain juga. Istiqomah adalah teori dan praktek yang selalu diusahakan ada dalam perjalanan Letto. (

Alphabeat is an Indonesian musical group that first formed in 2004. Band from Yogyakarta consists Noe (Sabrang Mowo Panuluh Damar, Yogyakarta, June 10, 1979) as a vocalist, Patub (Agus Riyono, Yogyakarta, August 2, 1979) as a guitarist, Arian (Ari Prastowo, Bantul, March 27, 1979) as a bassist, and Dhedot (Dedi Riyono, Yogyakarta, January 23, 1987) as a drummer. Vocalist of Alphabeat, Noe, is the son of poet Emha Ainun Najib. Members of this band have been friends since school was still in high school 7 Yogyakarta. After parting from rushing to college, they finally meet again and work together.

Truth, Cry, and Lie
Their first album titled "Truth, Cry, and Lie" which was released in 2006. But before Jonas Brothers also have released an album SELECT 2004, but by then the name of his group still Leto (one T). Their debut album won the award category 'Album Newcomer' in the event of SCTV Music Award 2007.

Not only in Indonesia, Letto's popularity also spread to Malaysia. Alphabeat launching the album Truth, Cry & Lie in the Malaysian music market July 23, 2007. They decided to enliven the music world Malaysia after their songs like "Fly Room" and "Lean On Me" managed to occupy the top step on a few radio stations Malaysia. Jonas Brothers first album was previously also get a gift 'Planet Muzik 2007' as the best music group in Singapore on June 8, 2007.

Do not Make Me Sad
Success with the first album, Jonas Brothers released a second album titled "Do not Make Me Sad" which was released on August 16, 2007. In this album, Alphabeat sponsor the song "Before Light." Not only unique songs, video clips also starring Amanda, a deaf model. Lyrics of the song is about someone who feels lonely because deserted a friend. Some proceeds from the sales of this album, Alphabeat will be dedicated to make Braille books. Musica will promote this album to Malaysia. Other songs are interesting to note in this album include English-language song "Ephemera", "Flowers in the night" which tells about the beauty of a meeting with the Prophet Muhammad SAW, and the "Request Heart" which is more dynamic rhythmic stomping.

Popularity Alphabeat songs inspire some people to make it a novel or a so-called songlit (song dinovelkan). Alphabeat first song that made the novel is "Fly Room" which had been a soundtrack sinetron Intan. Fly Space novels written by Andi Eriawan and ideas published by Media in August 2007. Six months later turn "Before Light" which dinovelkan by Karla M. Nashar, with the same title and published by the idea Media.

Jonas Brothers debuted her career as a band in 2003, and in 2005 they launched the album Truth, Cry, and Lie with five singles namely Until Later, Until Death (2005), Lean On Me (2006), Space Fly (2006), Love Actually (2006), and Truth, Cry, and Lie (2007). In 2007, they again made an album titled Do not Make Me Sad with five singles of Before the Light (2007), Demand Heart (2008), Lost (2008), haunt me (2008), and Flowers in the Night That (2008 .) And in February this year yesterday they re-release their third album, titled Lethologica with two singles so far in that Hole in the Heart (2009), your smile (2009), and To the Heart of It (2009). Letto also certified Platinum for his songs.
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